Main works in English
Taro Tsurumi, "How Hybrid? Inter-Ethnic Relationships within the Self of Jewish Liberals in Tsarist Russia," Nations and Nationalism 28(3), 2022: 877-893.
Taro Tsurumi, "Jewish Liberal, Russian Conservative: Daniel Pasmanik between Zionism and the Anti-Bolshevik White Movement," Jewish Social Studies 21(1), 2015.
Taro Tsurumi, "'Neither Angels, Nor Demons, But Humans': Anti-Essentialism and Its Ideological Moments among the Russian Zionist Intelligentsia," Nationalities Papers 38(4), 2010.
Taro Tsurumi, "Was the East Less Rational than the West?: The Meaning of "Nation" for Russian Zionism in Its "Imagined Context"," Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 14(3), 2008.
Eds. with Benjamin Nathans and Kenneth Moss, From Europe's East to the Middle East: Israel's Russian and Polish Lineages (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021).
Eds. with Yukiko Tatsumi, Publishing in Tsarist Russia: A History of Print Media from Enlightenment to Revolution (Bloomsbury, 2020).
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日本語主要業績(Main works in Japanese)
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